[molpro-user] Extended Multi-State CASPT2

Alan Chien alandc at umich.edu
Tue Jul 1 22:56:29 BST 2014

Interesting nugget of information. The example given in the multi-state
CASPT2 section of the manual DOES change its active space when you change
the numbers in the closed card.
So it seems that for that particular example it can recognize closed input.

Example: http://www.molpro.net/info/current/examples/lif_mr_mscaspt2.com (I
edited it so that it only did r=3 ang to reduce the amt of output I had to
look at. Also removed everything below RS2 section)

Trying to replicate it now. In fact, been trying for a while.

On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 3:48 PM, Alan Chien <alandc at umich.edu> wrote:

> Dear Molpro Community,
> I was wondering if there was something wrong with my following input for
> an extended multi-state CASPT2 calculation. My input is not recognizing the
> CLOSED card, and so is throwing the error "TOO MANY ACTIVE ORBITALS: 48
> THIS VERSION ALLOWS 32." An old thread mentions that I should use RS2C -
> http://www.molpro.net/pipermail/molpro-user/2006-April/001759.html -
> which should recognize closed orbitals.
> But it's a rather old thread, and I want XMS-CASPT2 which isn't
> implemented for RSC2, and so I thought it worth mentioning to see if they
> had updated the RS2 code and perhaps my input was just off. The manual
> makes no mention of RS2 being unable to recognize the CLOSED card. I also
> tried the same input with FROZEN and that threw the same error.
> Any input welcome,
> Alan Chien
> ***,title
> memory,400,m
> symmetry
> geometry={
>  S          1.9692714536        0.9837700026        0.0000000000
>  C          0.6745300892       -0.1941173367        0.0000000000
>  C          1.1941024748       -1.4906632561        0.0000000000
>  C          2.5920412491       -1.5265017306        0.0000000000
>  C          3.1677860531       -0.2809638443        0.0000000000
>  C         -0.6745300892        0.1941173367        0.0000000000
>  C         -1.1941024748        1.4906632561        0.0000000000
>  C         -2.5920412491        1.5265017306        0.0000000000
>  C         -3.1677860531        0.2809638443        0.0000000000
>  S         -1.9692714536       -0.9837700026        0.0000000000
>  C         -4.5811338904       -0.0064991780        0.0000000000
>  C         -5.5229897499        1.0602944736        0.0000000000
>  N         -6.2538051640        1.9321608642        0.0000000000
>  C          4.5811338904        0.0064991780        0.0000000000
>  C          5.5229897499       -1.0602944736        0.0000000000
>  N          6.2538051640       -1.9321608642        0.0000000000
>  C          5.0766433381        1.3388671764        0.0000000000
>  N          5.4513787354        2.4133206959        0.0000000000
>  C         -5.0766433381       -1.3388671764        0.0000000000
>  N         -5.4513787354       -2.4133206959        0.0000000000
>  H         -3.1636666579        2.4343293653        0.0000000000
>  H         -0.5803308458        2.3697711304        0.0000000000
>  H          0.5803308458       -2.3697711304        0.0000000000
>  H          3.1636666579       -2.4343293653        0.0000000000
> }
> basis=6-31G*
> hf
> {casscf;
> closed,31,6,30,5 !core orbs, total 72
> occ,31,8,30,7     !active orbs, total 76
> wf,148,1,0;state,2
> wf,148,3,0
> pspace,100.0
> }
> {rs2,xms=1,mix=2;
> state,2,2,3
> }
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