Table of Contents

File handling


The FILE directive is used to open permanent files, which can be used for later restarts. The file name must not contain parenthesis, brackets, exclamation marks, or other special characters like exclamation marks (!), question marks (?), slashes (/), backslashes (\), blanks( ), equality signs($=$), commas (,), semicolons (;), asterisks (*), or any kind of quotes(underscore is allowed). The syntax in Molpro94 and later versions is


file is the logical Molpro file number (1-9). name is the file name (will be converted to lower case). status can be one of the following:

Note that RESTART is now the default for all permanent files. All temporary files are usually allocated automatically where needed. I/O buffers are allocated at the top of the dynamic memory, and the available memory decreases by the size of the buffers. The MEMORY card must therefore be presented before the first FILE card!


Note that filenames are converted to lower case on unix machines.


DELETE,file1, file2, …

Deletes the specified files. file refers to the logical Molpro file numbers as specified on the FILE card.


ERASE,file1, file2, …

Erases the specified files. file refers to the logical Molpro file numbers as specified on the FILE card.


The DATA command can be used to modify the Molpro binary files.

Assigning punch files (PUNCH)


Opens punch file named filename. If this file already exists, it is appended, unless the REWIND or NEW option is specified; in that case, any previous information on the punch file is overwritten. See FILE for machine dependent interpretation of filename. The punch file contains all important results (geometries, energies, dipole, transition moments etc). It can be read by a separate program READPUN, which can produce tables in user supplied format.


Note that the file name is converted to lower case on unix machines.

MOLPRO system parameters (GPARAM)

The GPARAM card allows to change MOLPRO system parameters. This should only be used by experts!


The following options can be given in any order.

The MXDMP option is for experts only! This prevents basis and geometry information from being written to dump files with higher file number than the given value, and can sometimes be useful for counterpoise corrected geometry optimizations. Note that some functionality is lost by giving this option, and errors will result unless all input is correct!