Split Coulomb operator treatment (ATTENUATE)

This directive activates the method described in

G. Hetzer, M. Schütz, H. Stoll, and H.-J. Werner, Low-order scaling local electron correlation methods II: Splitting the Coulomb operator in linear scaling local MP2, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 9443 (2000).

This is currently not recommended for general use and we will give no support in case of trouble with this method.

The method relies on the partitioning of the Coulomb operator into a rapidly decaying short range part containing the singularity and a smooth long range part. The integrals over both parts of the Coulomb operator are then treated separately. The short range integrals are obtained by transformation of the short range integrals in the AO basis, which is faster than the conventional transformation as more efficient screening is possible. The long range integrals are treated by a multipole expansion. In contrast to conventional multipole expansions, this expansion has an infinite radius of convergence. The method is available by replacing the LOCAL or MULTP directive by the ATTENUATE directive.

ATTENUATE,[key1=value],[key2=value2], $\ldots$

It does everything the MULTP directive does (i. e., distant pairs are still treated by ordinary multipole expansion), plus it will enable the split Coulomb operator treatment of weak and strong pairs and select reasonable defaults. See section summary of options for details. If you don’t want distant pairs to be treated by ordinary multipole expansion, simply specify DISTPAIR=0 on the ATTENUATE directive. Note that this method will only work in the context of integral-direct calculations.

Additional options available on the ATTENUATE directive

Summary of attenuate options and their default values

Parameter Default value Meaning
Most important options
DECAY 0.20 split parameter $\omega$
SHORTMLT 15 level $p$ of monopolar multipole expansion
LONGMLT 13 level $p$ of bipolar multipole expansion
Specifying which integrals to treat by which multipole expansion type
RMAIN 1 when to switch from monopolar to four-block treatment
RIONIC 0 when to switch from monopolar to bipolar treatment of ionic blocks
SUPPRESS 0 when to suppress cross-excited blocks
Options for least squares fit generation of interaction coefficients
FITMLTP 1 use least squares fit instead of Taylor
F1DGRID 50 no. of quadrature points for 1D fit
F2DGRIDR 50 no. of quadrature points for 2D fit $r$
F2DGRIDP 20 no. of quadrature points for 2D fit $\phi$
F1DBORDER 0 end of integration interval for 1D fit
F2DBORDER 0 end of integration interval for 2D fit $r$
F1DGAMMA 1.7 negative exponent of weight function for 1D fit
F2DGAMMA 1.7 negative exponent of weight function for 2D fit
WEIGHT3D 1 use spacial instead of flat weight function
Options for determination of batches
NUMBATCH 0 manually set number of batches
BATCHDIAM 35 maximal diameter of batches
BATCHALGO 2 algorithm to determine batches
WEIGHTPREV 0.5 parameter for algorithm BATCHALGO=1
RANSEED -1 initialize random number generator for simulated annealing
Further numerical stability options
CUTOFF 15 orbital cutoff
MONOPOLE 1 if and how to treat monopole integrals
Multipole operators
MAXMLTPL auto manually set level of multipole operators to create
MULTPAGE 1 turn on paging of multipole operators during multipole expansion
Essentially obsolete options (for Taylor expansion)
TRUNCATE 0 truncation pattern of multipole expansion
DAMP 0 damping function for orbitals
SCALEDAMP 0 scaling factor for the damping function
Stuff for debugging
PAIREN 0 print a list of uncoupled pair energies

The defaults reported for the following options are likely to change in the future.

Most important options

Specifying which integrals to treat by which multipole expansion type

Options for least squares fit generation of interaction coefficients

Options for determination of batches

Further numerical stability options

Multipole operators

Essentially obsolete option (for Taylor expansions)

Stuff for debugging