Linux PGI Compiler

Todd J. Martinez tjm at
Tue May 9 01:33:31 BST 2000

  I have tried to compile mopro2000.1 on a Linux box.  It works fine with the
  g77/gcc compilers.  I then tried to get it to work using the PGI compiler,
  hoping it might be a little faster.  The configure script recognizes that it
  should use the PGI compiler when it sees the PGI environment variable
  defined.  However, it then has difficulty with configuration.  The
  following are the error messages:

Machine architecture is unix unix-i4 unix-linux
pgf90 3.1-2
Please enter your licence key
old CONFIG saved as CONFIG.old
/usr/local/pgi/linux86/lib/libpgc.a(init_dummy.o): In function `_mp_init2':
init_dummy.o(.text+0x10): multiple definition of `_mp_init2'
/usr/local/pgi/linux86/lib/libpgmp.a(init_pthr.o)(.text+0x200): first defined here
/usr/bin/ld: Warning: size of symbol `_mp_init2' changed from 149 to 17 in init_dummy.o
/usr/local/pgi/linux86/lib/libpgc.a(init_dummy.o)(.data+0x4): multiple definition of `_mp_tcpus'
/usr/local/pgi/linux86/lib/libpgmp.a(init_pthr.o)(.data+0xa8): first defined here
/usr/local/pgi/linux86/lib/libpgc.a(init_dummy.o): In function `_mp_term2':
init_dummy.o(.text+0x30): multiple definition of `_mp_term2'
/usr/local/pgi/linux86/lib/libpgmp.a(init_pthr.o)(.text+0x2e0): first defined here
/usr/bin/ld: Warning: size of symbol `_mp_term2' changed from 113 to 7 in init_dummy.o
/usr/local/pgi/linux86/lib/libpgc.a(init_dummy.o): In function `_mp_avlcpus':
init_dummy.o(.text+0x40): multiple definition of `_mp_avlcpus'
/usr/local/pgi/linux86/lib/libpgmp.a(init_pthr.o)(.text+0x360): first defined here
/usr/bin/ld: Warning: size of symbol `_mp_avlcpus' changed from 246 to 12 in init_dummy.o
Cannot link with any objects !
This architecture or combination of architecture and integer
size is proably not supported. Sorry ....

Thanks for any help,
E-Mail: tjm at   U.S. Mail: Todd Martinez
                                            University of Illinois
                                            Department of Chemistry
                                            Chemical Life Sciences Building
                                            Room A131F, Box 17-6
                                            601 South Goodwin
                                            Urbana, IL  61801
Phone:  (217) 333-1449 (Office)
        (217) 244-3186 (Fax)
        (217) 356-9673 (Home)

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