2GB limit on file size under linux

Garold Murdachaew garold at physics.udel.edu
Fri May 25 16:32:05 BST 2001

Hello molpro users,

I am running molpro2000 on a linux system where file sizes are limited to
2GB.  This is fine for calculations with small to medium size basis sets
but for larger basis sets the calculation crashes since the FILE 1 size
may need to be larger than 2GB.  Besides making some changes to the
version of linux, does molpro have any capability for automatically
splitting files larger than some limiting size?

Thank you for your attention.

Garold Murdachaew,
Graduate Student  
Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716 USA

phone:  +1 302 831 3512
fax:    +1 302 831 1637
email:  garold at physics.udel.edu

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