[molpro-user] I/O erro

H. -J. Werner werner at theochem.uni-stuttgart.de
Sun Jul 23 09:58:48 BST 2006

This probably means that your disk or file system is full. 
H.-J. Werner
On Sa, 22 Jul 2006, Jingjing Zheng wrote:

>Dear all,
>When I performed a  CCSD(T)/AVTZ  single point energy calculation with 
>I got such error message:
>ERROR WRITING       524288 WORDS AT OFFSET  115347456. TO FILE 4  
>? Error
>? I/O error
>? The problem occurs in writew
>Write error in iow_direct_write; fd=11, l=524288, p=115347456; read 
>returns 2277376
>I have searched the archive of the mail list and  found someone else 
>also met such problem before, but I can not
>find the solution for this problem.
>Could anyone give me some suggestions to solve this problem? Thanks!

Prof. Hans-Joachim Werner
Institute for Theoretical Chemistry
University of Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 55
D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel.: (0049) 711 / 685 64400
Fax.: (0049) 711 / 685 64442
e-mail: werner at theochem.uni-stuttgart.de

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