[molpro-user] I/O error

tapang at barc.gov.in tapang at barc.gov.in
Wed Jan 17 04:21:56 GMT 2007

Dear Molpro-Users,

Recently we have installed MOLPRO2006.1 (from rpm file) in our pc-based 
linux clusters with distributed memory architechure. 
While running moderately big molecule with 59 atoms (df-lmp2 method) we are 
getting the following message after some 1200 lines (before MP2 calculation)


 Minimum memory with paging:             17.13 MW
 Minimum memory for incore algorithm:   343.08 MW
 Memory for 3-index integrals:            1.05 MW
Write error in iow_direct_write; fd=12, l=32768, p=199907005; write returns -1
This may indicate a filled disk, or that a disk quota has been exceeded
Write error in iow_direct_write; fd=12, l=32768, p=215866112; write returns -1
This may indicate a filled disk, or that a disk quota has been exceeded
Write error in iow_direct_write; fd=12, l=32768, p=204082981; write returns -1
This may indicate a filled disk, or that a disk quota has been exceeded

 ERROR WRITING        32768 WORDS AT OFFSET  186774912. TO FILE 4  
We have huge disk space, so how this error is coming, we could not figure out.
We have increased the memory but still could not solve the problem. 

We would greatly appreciate receiving help from the molpro users as well as
developers to fix this problem.

With thanks

Tapan Ghanty


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