[molpro-user] RS2 optg bug in Cs symmetry

David Glowacki chmdrgl at leeds.ac.uk
Fri Feb 15 18:37:40 GMT 2008



When running RS2 geometry optimizations in Molpro 2006.1 (patchlevel 61)
using Cs symmetry, the jobs always crash out with the following error:


The request for symmetry elements Y, cannot be honoured

 ? Error

 ? Symmetry problem

 ? The problem occurs in zmatrix.f:zmat_orient


 GA ERROR fehler on processor   0  



This error does not occur for jobs run in C1 symmetry.

I know that there were previous issues with the model hessian in Cs symmetry
in Molpro 2006.1 for MULTI geometry optimizations; however, this should have
been fixed by patchlevel 61.


Is there similarly a bug for RS2 geometry optimizations?


Any insight would be much appreciated.



Thanks very much,

Dave glowacki



The input file is as follows:


***,calculation on cyclopentyne-acetylene adduct

memory, 350, m

file,2, TS1_7_optg_pt2_v_par.wfu


   B1    =         1.50450453

   B2    =         1.57232599

   B3    =         1.57358496

   B4    =         1.50204780

!   B5    =         2.20999767

   B6    =         1.36893567

   B7    =         1.09711721

   B8    =         1.09412901

   B9    =         1.09564767

   B10   =         1.08424612

   B11   =         1.08429121

   B12   =         1.08429121

   B13   =         1.08424612

   B14   =         1.09564767

   B15   =         1.09412901

   B16   =         1.09711721

   A1    =       102.10495924

   A2    =       106.87402600

   A3    =       101.87099409

   A4    =       109.62109771

   A5    =       112.48109365

   A6    =       111.85883488

   A7    =       110.89972916

   A8    =       111.89430770

   A9    =        88.73622533

   A10   =       121.32615129

   A11   =       121.32615129

   A12   =        88.73622533

   A13   =       111.89430770

   A14   =       110.89972916

   A15   =       111.85883488

   D1    =         0.00000000

   D2    =         0.00000000

   D3    =       180.00000000

   D4    =       180.00000000

   D5    =       120.04686820

   D6    =      -121.00043575

   D7    =       119.93384322

   D8    =       -57.84104066

   D9    =        86.25222448

   D10   =       -86.25222448

   D11   =       57.84104066

   D12   =      -119.93384322

   D13   =       121.00043575

   D14   =      -120.04686820





 C                  1            B1

 C                  2            B2    1            A1

 C                  3            B3    2            A2    1            D1

 C                  4            B4    3            A3    2            D2

 C                  1            B5    2            A4    3            D3

 C                  6            B6    1            A5    2            D4

 H                  2            B7    3            A6    4            D5

 H                  3            B8    2            A7    1            D6

 H                  4            B9    3            A8    2            D7

 H                  6           B10    1            A9    2            D8

 H                  7           B11    6           A10    1            D9

 H                  7           B12    6           A11    1           D10

 H                  6           B13    1           A12    2           D11

 H                  4           B14    3           A13    2           D12

 H                  3           B15    2           A14    1           D13

 H                  2           B16    3           A15    4           D14














do i=1,#distances



   {multi, maxit=15; occ, 22, 7; closed, 18, 5; 


!    start, 2140.2

!   rotate, 28.1, 30.1

!    orbitals, 2140.2 



   put, molden, TS1_7_pt2_v_par.molden;


   {rs2, maxit=15; occ, 22, 7; closed, 18, 5;





 inactive, B5;





   put, molden, TS1_7_pt2_scan.molden_v_par,old;





head ,  B5     ,EMP2




!   put, molden, TS1_7_freq_pt2.molden;




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