[molpro-user] RCCSD(T) convergence problems

Breno Galvão brenogalvao at gmail.com
Tue May 6 10:40:22 BST 2008

I am having convergence problems for some geometries in RCCSD(T) calculation
and the triples are not given.

as the manual says: *"If the CCSD is not converged, an error exit will occur
if triples are requested. This can be
avoided using the NOCHECK option:"*

But it is not working for me...
the commands:

gives the output:

1PROGRAM * CCSD (Restricted open-shell coupled cluster)     Authors: C.
Hampel, H.-J. Werner, 1991, M. Deegan, P.J. Knowles, 1992

 CCSD(T)     terms to be evaluated (factor= 1.000)

 Number of core orbitals:          3 (  3  0 )
 Number of closed-shell orbitals:  6 (  4  2 )
 Number of active  orbitals:       3 (  2  1 )
 Number of external orbitals:     57 ( 39 18 )

 Number of N-1 electron functions:              15
 Number of N-2 electron functions:             105
 Number of singly external CSFs:               505
 Number of doubly external CSFs:            145367
 Total number of CSFs:                      145872

 Molecular orbitals read from record     2101.2  Type=RHF/CANONICAL (state

 Reference energy:                   -162.87679529

DEN1      VAR(S)    VAR(P)  DIIS     TIME
   1      1.19533260    -0.43425695  -163.31105224    -0.43425695
-0.06671281  0.31E-01  0.29E-01  0  0     2.96
   2      1.24334978    -0.48081842  -163.35761371    -0.04656147
-0.01839891  0.35E-02  0.13E-01  0  0     5.37
   3      1.26242088    -0.46677986  -163.34357514     0.01403857
-0.00908387  0.82E-02  0.49E-02  1  1     7.78
   4      1.27634069    -0.47389265  -163.35068794    -0.00711280
-0.00141058  0.92E-03  0.19E-02  2  2    10.20
   5      1.30280749    -0.47615772  -163.35295301    -0.00226507
-0.00135016  0.61E-03  0.27E-02  3  3    12.64
   6      1.32923488    -0.47712327  -163.35391856    -0.00096555
-0.00152653  0.46E-03  0.37E-02  4  4    15.09
   7      1.28040848    -0.47752562  -163.35432091    -0.00040235
-0.00067791  0.56E-03  0.78E-03  5  5    17.55
   8      1.28640924    -0.47865504  -163.35545033    -0.00112941
-0.00022323  0.28E-03  0.94E-04  6  6    20.01
   9      1.30067887    -0.47928270  -163.35607799    -0.00062766
-0.00009588  0.10E-03  0.36E-04  6  3    22.47
  10      1.31307219    -0.48007126  -163.35686655    -0.00078856
-0.00004564  0.49E-04  0.20E-04  6  1    24.92
  11      1.32156402    -0.48025969  -163.35705498    -0.00018843
-0.00001376  0.14E-04  0.53E-05  6  2    27.37
  12      1.32521302    -0.48043960  -163.35723489    -0.00017991
-0.00000697  0.91E-05  0.29E-05  6  5    29.83
  13      1.32668883    -0.48049301  -163.35728830    -0.00005341
-0.00000422  0.60E-05  0.16E-05  6  2    32.29
  14      1.32809397    -0.48052117  -163.35731646    -0.00002816
-0.00000224  0.33E-05  0.99E-06  6  3    34.75
  15      1.32805257    -0.48049304  -163.35728833     0.00002813
-0.00000118  0.20E-05  0.31E-06  6  4    37.21
  16      1.32876925    -0.48048608  -163.35728137     0.00000696
-0.00000073  0.11E-05  0.26E-06  6  5    39.67
  17      1.32910751    -0.48046022  -163.35725551     0.00002586
-0.00000057  0.52E-06  0.79E-06  6  6    42.12
  18      1.32932032    -0.48046524  -163.35726053    -0.00000502
-0.00000056  0.41E-06  0.10E-05  6  1    44.58
  19      1.32934348    -0.48046694  -163.35726223    -0.00000170
-0.00000055  0.43E-06  0.97E-06  6  2    47.03
  20      1.32936265    -0.48046744  -163.35726273    -0.00000050
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.10E-05  6  2    49.49
  21      1.32934845    -0.48046706  -163.35726235     0.00000039
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.98E-06  6  2    51.94
  22      1.32935805    -0.48046732  -163.35726261    -0.00000026
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.10E-05  6  2    54.41
  23      1.32935170    -0.48046715  -163.35726244     0.00000017
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2    56.86
  24      1.32935598    -0.48046726  -163.35726255    -0.00000012
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2    59.33
  25      1.32935312    -0.48046719  -163.35726248     0.00000008
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2    61.78
  26      1.32935505    -0.48046724  -163.35726253    -0.00000005
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2    64.23
  27      1.32935376    -0.48046720  -163.35726249     0.00000004
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2    66.68
  28      1.32935463    -0.48046723  -163.35726252    -0.00000002
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2    69.14
  29      1.32935405    -0.48046721  -163.35726250     0.00000002
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2    71.60
  30      1.32935443    -0.48046722  -163.35726251    -0.00000001
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2    74.06
  31      1.32935417    -0.48046721  -163.35726250     0.00000001
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2    76.52
  32      1.32935435    -0.48046722  -163.35726251     0.00000000
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2    78.99
  33      1.32935423    -0.48046722  -163.35726251     0.00000000
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2    81.44
  34      1.32935431    -0.48046722  -163.35726251     0.00000000
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2    83.89
  35      1.32935426    -0.48046722  -163.35726251     0.00000000
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2    86.35
  36      1.32935429    -0.48046722  -163.35726251     0.00000000
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2    88.80
  37      1.32935427    -0.48046722  -163.35726251     0.00000000
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2    91.26
  38      1.32935428    -0.48046722  -163.35726251     0.00000000
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2    93.72
  39      1.32935427    -0.48046722  -163.35726251     0.00000000
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2    96.18
  40      1.32935428    -0.48046722  -163.35726251     0.00000000
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2    98.64
  41      1.32935428    -0.48046722  -163.35726251     0.00000000
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2   101.10
  42      1.32935428    -0.48046722  -163.35726251     0.00000000
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2   103.55
  43      1.32935428    -0.48046722  -163.35726251     0.00000000
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2   106.00
  44      1.32935428    -0.48046722  -163.35726251     0.00000000
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2   108.45
  45      1.32935428    -0.48046722  -163.35726251     0.00000000
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2   110.91
  46      1.32935428    -0.48046722  -163.35726251     0.00000000
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2   113.37
  47      1.32935428    -0.48046722  -163.35726251     0.00000000
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2   115.83
  48      1.32935428    -0.48046722  -163.35726251     0.00000000
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2   118.29
  49      1.32935428    -0.48046722  -163.35726251     0.00000000
-0.00000055  0.42E-06  0.99E-06  6  2   120.75

 Norm of t1 vector:      0.10427040      S-energy:    -0.01126801      T1
diagnostic:  0.06591358
 Norm of t2 vector:      0.22508388      P-energy:    -0.46919921


 Spin contamination <S**2-Sz**2-Sz>     0.00000000


 Reference energy                    -162.876795289769
 Correlation energy                    -0.480467217250
 !RHF-RCCSD ENERGY                   -163.357262507018

 Program statistics:

 Available memory in ccsd:                47586046
 Min. memory needed in ccsd:                484006
 Max. memory used in ccsd:                  655158
 Max. memory used in cckext:                629290 (49 integral passes)
 Max. memory used in cckint:                611316 ( 1 integral passes)

Another thing that I still don't understand is why it puts 6 orbitals in
closed, If I use the closed card in rccsd(t), an strange error appears.

Any hint is welcome

Breno Rodrigues Lamaghere Galvão
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