[molpro-user] Regarding installing additional patch in molpro 2002.6

TANMOY MONDAL ch05ph21 at uohyd.ernet.in
Mon Apr 6 07:01:32 BST 2009

Dear Molpro-users:

I want to install a patch "2002.6.reserv_eom_kcp.sh" in molpro 2002.6.

But it showing the following problem,

Molpro patch reserv_eom_kcp for version 2002.6
You do not seem to be in the main Molpro directory
This is required for applying the patch"

Since i installed Molpro2002.6 from rpm file, there is no molpro2002.6
directory. By the way i have used "sh 2002.6.reserv_eom_kcp.sh" command to
install this additional patch.

Can anybody please help me to overcome this problem?

Thank you in advance.

Tanmoy Mondal
University of Hyderabad
School of Chemistry.

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