[molpro-user] Running molpro2008.1 in parallel doesn't work

Thierry Leininger Thierry.Leininger at irsamc.ups-tlse.fr
Mon Mar 23 11:15:04 GMT 2009

Hi Zhendong

I followed your suggestion and

	- I can you run molpro on a single slave node directly
	- I can you run molpro on a single slave node through master node but in 
sequential mode only with
		molpro -v -N leininge:node20:1  --launcher '' h2o_vdz.test


	- I can't run it parallel with 
		molpro -v -N leininge:node20:1   h2o_vdz.test

The job is sent to the node as 'ps aux | grep leininge' shows

leininge  7338  0.0  0.2 239136 22956 ?      S    12:06   
0:00 /home/leininge/bin/molprop_2008_1_Linux_x86_64_i8.exe -master 
lpqsv7.ups-tlse.fr 48932 1 1 0 0
leininge  7357  0.0  0.2 238960 21124 ?      S    12:06   
0:00 /home/leininge/bin/molprop_2008_1_Linux_x86_64_i8.exe -master 
lpqsv7.ups-tlse.fr 48932 1 1 0 0

but there is no progress.



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