[molpro-user] installation problems

kevin zhh at hongcam.com.cn
Mon Mar 30 14:26:13 BST 2009

Hi, molpro users,

I met a problem when i install molpro2008.1 on a intel em64t cluster 
with infiniband.
Because there is no VAPI interface there only is udapl during compile GA.
So i can not using the infiband, just using Tcp/Ip net.

I compile GA using Ifort10.1, mkl10.1 and mpich1.2.5 on the Redhat5.1 OS,
and molpro2008.1 using the same compiler.
All the things fine during compilation,
but the error was met after tuning step.
It shows:
Optimizing tuning parameters...
[cli_0]: aborting job:
Fatal error in MPI_Errhandler_set: Invalid communicator, error stack:
MPI_Errhandler_set(117): MPI_Errhandler_set(comm=0x5b, errh=0x78) failed
MPI_Errhandler_set(68).: Invalid communicator
rank 0 in job 48  LB270210_33261   caused collective abort of all ranks
  exit status of rank 0: return code 13
Tuning finished

Anyone can give me some advice?

Thanks in advance.

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