[molpro-user] LT-DF-LCC2 problem

Attila Bende attlbende at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 14:47:06 GMT 2011

Dear Molpro Users,

I tried to run the test job file (page 231 from the manual) for the
five lowest singlet excited states of water molecule using the
LT-DF-CC2 method.
Unfortunately, after the DF-CIS calculation my test job fails.
Can somebody help me?

Many thanks

Here is the last few row of my output:
 -------- TIME FOR DF-CIS =      0.02 sec--------
 nstates_eom=                     5
 ioff_W=                     0

 symmetry=1, deleted functions    5 of   24

 Thresholds for DF-LCC2 LR:  THRAO= 1.0D-10 THRMO= 1.0D-09 THROV=
1.0D-12 THRSW= 1.0D-05 THRPROD= 1.0D-09

 Fitting basis: CC-PVDZ-MP2FIT
 Number of fitting functions:               84
 Number of blocks in AO basis:               1
 Minimum block size:                        24
 Maximum block size:                        24
 Average block size:                        24
 Number of groups in AO basis:               7
 Number of shells in AO basis:              24

 ioff_updom_LT=                   118
 n_q=                     3
 reserved:   8113.00000000000                          6                  2750


   5 DF-CIS vector(s) will be used in Pspace
 omegamin,omegamax=  0.244156173720764       0.670336722451001
 determine 1 Laplace point!
Time for ea-ei and sort=      0.00
 R_interval=   15.4843480607052
 *fordeck laplace_points $Revision: 2008.3 $
 starting guesses: Hackbusch, JCP, 129, 044112 (2008)
     -----   START SIMPLEX   -----
 funct=  4.299429362159502E-003

 SIMPLEX final minimum  =         0.004299429   convergence =
  0.40E-15 in     52 iterations

                    exp.fact.           weights
 SIMPLEX              0.27396           0.80590
 determine Laplace points!
Time for ea-ei and sort=      0.00
 R_interval=   15.4843480607052
 *fordeck laplace_points $Revision: 2008.3 $
 starting guesses: Hackbusch, JCP, 129, 044112 (2008)
     -----   START SIMPLEX   -----
 funct=  8.686642373359973E-007

 SIMPLEX final minimum  =         0.000000869   convergence =
  0.00E+00 in    400 iterations

                    exp.fact.           weights
 SIMPLEX              0.11415           0.30312
 SIMPLEX              0.70719           0.97571
 SIMPLEX              2.51656           3.15502
 len_exdominf=                     0                     0
 changes in domains (1:from old, 2:from new)
   2.1   0.000
   3.1   0.000
   4.1   0.000
   5.1   0.000
 in multi_save_olddom
 ioff_W=                  3330
 len_exdominf=                     0                     0
 changes in domains (1:from old, 2:from new)
   2.1   0.000
   3.1   0.000
   4.1   0.000
   5.1   0.000
 in multi_save_olddom
 ioff_W=                  3330
 len_exdominf=                     0                     0
 changes in domains (1:from old, 2:from new)
   2.1   0.000
   3.1   0.000
   4.1   0.000
   5.1   0.000
 in multi_save_olddom
 ioff_W=                  3330
 len_exdominf=                     0                     0
 changes in domains (1:from old, 2:from new)
   2.1   0.000
   3.1   0.000
   4.1   0.000
   5.1   0.000
 in multi_save_olddom
 ioff_W=                  3330
 len_exdominf=                     0                     0
 changes in domains (1:from old, 2:from new)
   2.1   0.000
   3.1   0.000
   4.1   0.000
   5.1   0.000
 in multi_save_olddom
 ioff_W=                  3330
 energ_f=  0.570336722451001
 len_exdominf=                     0                     0
 reserve   3330.00000000000        3340.00000000000

 Iter. Vector     |HC-EC|         E_new-E_old   Excitation energy
Total energy

 Size of doubles vector                          0.000  B
 FULLD=                     2
 set state=                     2
 nstrong1,ioff_eomdomd=                     0                     0

 Number of N-1 electron functions:               4
 Number of N-2 electron functions:               0
 Number of singly external CSFs:                96
 Number of included doubly external CSFs         0
 Number of neglected doubly external CSF         0
 Total number of included CSFs:                 97
 NBatch in df_llcc2_membatch=  1
 n_jpair=                     0

 symmetry=1, deleted functions    5 of   24
0:0:nga_create_config:ga_set_data:wrong dimension specified:: 0
(rank:0 hostname:aragon08 pid:31796):ARMCI DASSERT fail.
armci.c:ARMCI_Error():260 cond:0
  0: ARMCI aborting 0 (0).
3:3:nga_create_config:ga_set_data:wrong dimension specified:: 0
(rank:3 hostname:aragon08 pid:31799):ARMCI DASSERT fail.
armci.c:ARMCI_Error():260 cond:0
  3: ARMCI aborting 0 (0).

Dr. Bende Attila (PhD)
Senior Researcher II

National Institute of R&D of Isotopic and Molecular Technology
Str. Donath nr.65-103, C.P.700
Cluj-Napoca, R-400293, Romania
Phone:+40-264-584037, ext. 216, Fax: +40-264-420042
e-mail: bende at itim-cj.ro, attlbende at yahoo.co.uk
Web: http://www.itim-cj.ro/~bende/index.html

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