[molpro-user] Short questions on 'make tuning' and 'make tests'

Manhui Wang wangm9 at cardiff.ac.uk
Thu Mar 31 10:13:55 BST 2011

Dear Evgeniy,

Evgeniy Gromov wrote:
> Dear Molpro Community,
> I am just wondering about the tuning settings:
> Should 'make tuning' be done on 1 CPU? In my
> case when I started it it took all available
> CPU-cores (8 in my case), although I didn't
> set up the number of CPUs. Is it OK?
It is fine if you usually run Molpro using multiple processes.
> Also, I am wondering where the results (protocols)
> of the test run are written to? How one can get
> to know if the tests ran OK?
All the outputs(named *.out)  are in directory testjobs. If all testjobs
pass, there are no *.errout in directory testjobs and error messages.
> Thanks!
> Best,
> Evgeniy

Best wishes,

Manhui  Wang
School of Chemistry, Cardiff University,
Main Building, Park Place,
Cardiff CF10 3AT, UK

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