[molpro-user] Fwd: C8 disp coefficient

Yulia Kalugina amora at list.ru
Sun Jun 16 10:57:56 BST 2013

Dear molpro community,

May be someone could help me with the obtaining of C8_000 dispesion coefficient from EOM-CCSD calculations?

Here is an example for N2-N2:

Uning proparator methof of Tatiana Corona we obtain <X;Y>:
a6633 := 136.6805842; 
a4433 := 78.70125049; 
a5533 := 78.70125049; 
a5633 := -68.34029205;
a4633 := -68.34029205; 
a4533 := -10.36095844; 
a8833 := 97.21710728; 
a8811 := 70.14620802; 
a4411 := 57.06216406;
a5511 := 57.06216406; 
a4511 := -7.578876794; 
a6611 := 98.96657460; 
a5611 := -49.48328727;
a4611 := -49.48328727;
as i understand, a6633=<zz,zz;zz> (for example). 
1 - x
2 - y
3 - z
4 - xx
5 - yy
6 - zz
7 - xy
8 - xz
9 - yz

after, we have an expression for X integrals: 
X2101 ....

But when I use the formula for C8 isotropic coefficient, I have not obtained correct results (I obtain 4775 instead of correct value around 2500). 
(Ref. J Comput Chem 32: 279–290, 2011  :  "Long-Range Interaction for Dimers of Atmospheric Interest: Dispersion, Induction and Electrostatic Contributions for O2–O2, N2–N2 and O2–N2")

May be someone can indicate where is a mistake. For C6 coefficients I have no problems. 

I would be very appreciated any help. 

Best regards, 

LOMC - Université du Havre 
25 Rue Philippe Lebon 
BP 540 - 76 058 Le Havre cedex FRANCE 
tel:  +33 (0)2 35 21 71 03 
OS - Tomsk State University 
36, Lenina av. 634050 Tomsk RUSSIE 
Mail : yulia.kalugina at univ-lehavre.fr , kalugina at phys.tsu.ru 


ICQ Number:  429-874-882
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