[molpro-user] saving dump record and using it as initial guess

elkeshavarz5 at sci.ui.ac.ir elkeshavarz5 at sci.ui.ac.ir
Mon Nov 4 03:54:45 GMT 2013

Dear Daniel
Thanks for your comments.
Again the error is there. It is looking for dump record 2101.2, and it  
is there (as it has been listed at the end of previous calculation,  
but it is ccsd wave function.)

Quoting Dan Kats <dnkats at gmail.com>:

> Dear Elham
> You can try to force Molpro to look for 2100.2 instead of 2101.2:
> basis=vdz
> geometry={be1;be2,be1,r }
> r=1.6 ang
> {hf;save,2000.2}
> {ccsd
> save,5000.2
> }
> r=1.7 ang
> {hf;start,2000.2}
> {ccsd
> start,5000.2
> }
> Regarding your second concern: the only possibility to restart a
> calculation is to use wfu files (ie, by putting "file,2,be2.wfu" in
> your input). You can find the wfu file after a successful calculation
> in your ~/wfu directory, or somewhere in the $TMPDIR directory
> otherwise.
> Best wishes
> Daniel
> 2013/10/29  <elkeshavarz5 at sci.ui.ac.ir>:
>> Dear Daniel
>> By using the input you sent me, the result is the following error at the
>> start of RHF calculations for the second geometry:
>> ...
>> **********************************************************************************************************************************
>>               1      18        7.56       500      700      610      900
>> 950      970     1000      129      960     1100
>>                                           VAR     GEOM    BASINP   SYMINP
>> ZMAT    AOBASIS   BASIS     P2S    ABASIS      S
>>                                          1400     1410     1200     1210
>> 1080     1600     1650     1700
>>                                            T        V       H0       H01
>>               2       9        1.35       500      610      700     1000
>> 520     2100     1001     2101     5000
>>                                           VAR    BASINP    GEOM     BASIS
>> MCVARS     RHF     BASIS    CCSD     CCSD
>>  PROGRAMS   *        TOTAL       INT      CCSD        HF       INT   RESTART
>>  CPU TIMES  *         0.33      0.10      0.03      0.01      0.10      0.00
>>  REAL TIME  *         0.39 SEC
>>  DISK USED  *        56.21 MB
>>  SF USED    *         0.31 MB
>>  GA USED    *         0.00 MB       (max)       0.00 MB       (current)
>> **********************************************************************************************************************************
>> 1PROGRAM * RHF-SCF (CLOSED SHELL)       Authors: W. Meyer, H.-J. Werner
>> On the other hand, if I want to do the calculations at several geometries in
>> one input file, if it does not converge at one geometry and I decide to skip
>> that geometry, I have to redo the calculation for the last converged
>> geometry again in order to use the result for the next geometry. Is there
>> any way for escaping from this repeating?
>> Regards
>> Elham
>> Quoting Dan Kats <dnkats at gmail.com>:
>>> Dear Elham
>>> You can restart your calculation in the same input, i.e., you don't
>>> need a wfu file for it. Your input can look like:
>>> basis=vdz
>>> geometry={be1;be2,be1,r }
>>> r=1.6 ang
>>> hf
>>> {ccsd
>>> save,5000.2
>>> }
>>> r=1.7 ang
>>> hf
>>> {ccsd
>>> start,5000.2
>>> }
>>> Best wishes
>>> Daniel
>>> 2013/10/20  <elkeshavarz5 at sci.ui.ac.ir>:
>>>> Dear users
>>>> I have convergence problem in a ccsd calculation and I have tried
>>>> different
>>>> options suggested in the manual. Now I want to use the wf of a converged
>>>> calculation for another geometry as initial guess. As it is said in the
>>>> manual, I have printed
>>>> file,2,Be2.wfu
>>>> at the beginning of the input file. It proceeds without any error, but I
>>>> can
>>>> not find the wfu file!
>>>> Furthermore, if I find it can I use it the same as a dump record as the
>>>> initial guess in another computation? like
>>>> ccsd
>>>> start,Be2.wfu
>>>> I appreciate any comment.
>>>> Elham Keshavarz
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> University of Isfahan (http://www.ui.ac.ir)
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>>> --
>>> Daniel Kats
>>> Institute for Theoretical Chemistry
>>> University of Stuttgart
>>> Pfaffenwaldring 55
>>> D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany
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>> University of Isfahan (http://www.ui.ac.ir)
> --
> Daniel Kats
> Institute for Theoretical Chemistry
> University of Stuttgart
> Pfaffenwaldring 55
> D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany

University of Isfahan (http://www.ui.ac.ir)

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