[molpro-user] Problem in CASSCF Calculation

rudraditya sarkar rudra.smgr at gmail.com
Mon Mar 19 10:08:08 CET 2018

Dear Molpro users,

I am trying to calculate a single point energy using CASSCF(12,12) level of
theory employing cc-pVTZ basis set. The calculation is performed within Cs
point group. To choose a proper active space I need to rotate some of the
molecular orbitals, which are mentioned in the input file. The format of
the input file is as follows:

***CAS(12,12)/cc-pVTZ CI geom opt
 C  -2.78644033  -0.43750559   1.25149519
 C  -3.42642899  -0.71421672   0.00000000
 C  -2.78644033  -0.43750559  -1.25149519
 C  -1.51903312   0.10365553  -1.27103623
 C  -1.51903312   0.10365553   1.27103623
 C  -0.64509626   0.51277265  -2.37175582
 C   0.70710011   0.66601777  -2.14527629
 C   1.40498705   0.11296403  -0.95556565
 C   2.84510870  -0.23077535  -1.14731727
 C   3.58653793  -0.44753433   0.00000000
 C   2.84510870  -0.23077535   1.14731727
 C   1.40498705   0.11296403   0.95556565
 C   0.70710011   0.66601777   2.14527629
 C  -0.64509626   0.51277265   2.37175582
 C  -0.78893791   0.37254310   0.00000000
 C   0.52785227  -0.50988821   0.00000000
 C  -0.42809614   1.89954743   0.00000000
 C   0.40503997  -2.03530024   0.00000000
 H  -3.31245308  -0.64346190   2.21116995
 H  -3.31245308  -0.64346190  -2.21116995
 H   3.30661854  -0.27207038  -2.15983452
 H   3.30661854  -0.27207038   2.15983452
 H  -4.45112840  -1.15248560   0.00000000
 H   4.67103446  -0.70355188   0.00000000
 H  -1.09192433   0.79581249  -3.35203342
 H   1.33639440   1.09550606  -2.95762971
 H   1.33639440   1.09550606   2.95762971
 H  -1.09192433   0.79581249   3.35203342
 H   0.64332688   2.20169572   0.00000000
 H  -0.89055384   2.44471572   0.85440799
 H  -0.14840460  -2.38191733  -0.90135255
 H   1.40235205  -2.53063665   0.00000000
 H  -0.89055384   2.44471572  -0.85440799
 H  -0.14840460  -2.38191733   0.90135255
! HYDROGEN       (5s,2p,1d) -> [3s,2p,1d]
! HYDROGEN       (5s,2p,1d) -> [3s,2p,1d]
s, H , 33.8700000, 5.0950000, 1.1590000, 0.3258000, 0.1027000
c, 1.3, 0.0060680, 0.0453080, 0.2028220
c, 4.4, 1
c, 5.5, 1
p, H , 1.4070000, 0.3880000
c, 1.1, 1
c, 2.2, 1
d, H , 1.0570000
c, 1.1, 1
! CARBON       (10s,5p,2d,1f) -> [4s,3p,2d,1f]
! CARBON       (10s,5p,2d,1f) -> [4s,3p,2d,1f]
s, C , 8236.0000000, 1235.0000000, 280.8000000, 79.2700000, 25.5900000,
8.9970000, 3.3190000, 0.3643000, 0.9059000, 0.1285000
c, 1.8, 0.0005310, 0.0041080, 0.0210870, 0.0818530, 0.2348170, 0.4344010,
0.3461290, -0.0089830
c, 1.8, -0.0001130, -0.0008780, -0.0045400, -0.0181330, -0.0557600,
-0.1268950, -0.1703520, 0.5986840
c, 9.9, 1
c, 10.10, 1
p, C , 18.7100000, 4.1330000, 1.2000000, 0.3827000, 0.1209000
c, 1.3, 0.0140310, 0.0868660, 0.2902160
c, 4.4, 1
c, 5.5, 1
d, C , 1.0970000, 0.3180000
c, 1.1, 1
c, 2.2, 1
f, C , 0.7610000
c, 1.1, 1


After completion of the Hartree-Fock calculation I found the following
error in the MCSCF section:

 PROGRAM * MULTI (Direct Multiconfiguration SCF)       Authors: P.J.
Knowles, H.-J. Werner (1984)     S.T. Elbert (1988)

 Number of closed-shell orbitals:  56 (  36  20 )
 Number of active  orbitals:       12 (   6   6 )
 Number of external orbitals:     696 ( 382 314 )

 State symmetry 1

 Number of electrons:    12    Spin symmetry=Singlet   Space symmetry=1
 Number of states:        1
 Number of CSFs:     113456   (427088 determinants, 853776 intermediate

 State symmetry 2

 Number of electrons:    12    Spin symmetry=Singlet   Space symmetry=2
 Number of states:        1
 Number of CSFs:     113056   (426688 determinants, 853776 intermediate

 Molecular orbitals read from record     2100.2  Type=RHF/CANONICAL (state
 ROTATION OF ORBITALS  40.1   45.1       90.00 DEGREES
 ROTATION OF ORBITALS  41.1   48.1       90.00 DEGREES
 ROTATION OF ORBITALS  26.2   27.2       90.00 DEGREES

 Wavefunction dump at record             2140.2

 Convergence thresholds  0.10E-01 (gradient)  0.25E-05 (energy)  0.10E-02
(step length)

 Weight factors for state symmetry  1:    0.50000
 Weight factors for state symmetry  2:    0.50000

 Number of orbital rotations:    24544   (   336 Core/Active  20032
Core/Virtual   0 Active/Active   4176 Active/Virtual)
 Total number of variables:     878320

GRAD(0)  GRAD(ORB)   GRAD( ? Error
 ? 2-ext paging plus 3-ext ints not yet working (kintb)!
 ? The problem occurs in cckint

 GLOBAL ERROR fehler on processor   0


I have tried the following calculation by increasing the memory also, but
it was failed.

Can you please help me to resolve the present problem with MOLPRO, I am
using MOLPRO version 2015.1.

Thanks in advance,

with regards,


*Dr. Rudraditya SarkarPost-doc Supervisor: Dr. Martial
Boggio-PasquaIRSAMCPaul Sabatier University III,
ToulouseFrancePh.DSupervisor: Prof. Susanta MahapatraSchool Of
ChemistryUniversity Of HyderabadGachibowli-500046
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