MOLPRO Basis Query, basis=def2-TZVPP-MP2FI

 Basis sets taken from Turbomole basis set library at
 on 2009-11-18.

   - For most elements (but not all of them!) the def1- and def2-
     CFIT sets are identical. Due to this there is a large overlap
     with ahlrichs_mp2fit.libmol. Duplicate sets have not been
     eliminated here in order to make clear that what we have here
     is the assignment done by the Turbomole library.

   - The references given by the link above are partially wrong. They
     have been fixed here, hopefully.

   - The ASVP/ATZVPP/AQZVPP sets are generated from the SVP/TZVPP/
     QZVPP sets by adding one set of even tempered diffuse functions.

 - Gerald Knizia, 2009-11-20, 2010-08-26

 Updates on 2012-08-15:
   - The previous version contained some VERY serious errors (again,
     due to broken source data from the website when the original
     version was made):
            SVP was missing the contraction on the d functions,
            TZVPP had the d functions missing completely(!)
            SVP was missing the contraction on the d functions.
            SVP was missing the contraction on the f functions.
            TZVPP had the d functions missing completely(!)

   - Removed the fittig sets for the partially polarized sets SV(P),
     TZVP, QZVP. They there not complete here, and the orbital sets
     are not meant for correlated calculation anyway.

 - Gerald Knizia, 2012-08-15