MOLPRO Basis Query, basis=univ-ecp46-JFIT

   - The JFIT sets for all basis sets are identical.
     (Universal JFIT sets)

   - The ASVP/ATZVPP/AQZVPP sets are generated from the SVP/TZVPP/
     QZVPP sets by adding one set of even tempered diffuse functions.

   - The previous version of this file, which was generated from the
     Turbomole website output on 11/2009, contained errors. These were
     mainly accidental de-contractions of the last contracted function
     per angular momentum. This might have made calculations slightly
     more expensive, but effects on calculated energies should be low.

 - Gerald Knizia, 2011-03-31

   - Added def2/JFIT basis sets for Lanthanides from
     Gulde, Pollak, Weigend: J. Chem. Theory Comput., 8, 4062 (2012)

 - Gerald Knizia, 2016-05-13.