MOLPRO Basis Query, basis=ROOS_DZP
I Iodine atom *
Relativistic Contraction based on CASSCF/CASPT2 using the *
Douglas-Kroll Hamiltonian. *
Active space 5s and 5p orbitals. 4d correlated in CASPT2 *
Basic primitive: 20s18p11d from K. Faegri *
Augmented: 2s with exponent 0.40x lowest exponent *
1p with exponent 0.40x lowest exponent *
2d with exponent 0.40x lowest exponent *
5f two for 3d and three more diffuse. Optimized CASPT2 *
3g with exponents 1.25 times f *
Contraction: State Field Method Weight *
I(2P,s2p5) 0.000 CASPT2 1/6 *
I+(3P,s2p4) 0.000 CASPT2 1/6 *
I-(1S,s2p6) 0.000 CASPT2 1/6 *
I(GS) 0.010 CASPT2 1/2 *
Contraction range: 5s4p2d - 10s9p8d5f3g *
Results(eV) *
Contraction CASPT2(I,2P) IP EA *
MB: 5s4p2d -7110.8575954226 10.377 1.531 *
DZP:6s5p3d1f -7111.2914326200 10.169 2.728 *
TZP:7s6p4d2f1g -7111.4477721844 10.342 3.032 *
QZP:8s7p5d4f2g -7111.5054663387 10.431 3.158 *
large:10s9p8d5f2g -7111.5241835620 10.457 3.212 *
Primitive: -7111.5246568106 10.448 3.212 *
Expt.(J-averaged) 10.522 3.373 *