
Molpro is committed to making the information and resources provided via its web site accessible to all users. We aim to be standards compliant and follow general principles of usability in order to help all visitors to this web site.


Sections 1-4 and 7-11 of the privacy policy of TTI GmbH apply to this website, and in particular

  1. This website will not store or capture personal data (e.g. name, email address) without the prior knowledge and consent of users.
  2. Molpro does not sell or otherwise transfer any personal data to commercial companies or other organisations.
  3. Users of the website may optionally register their personal details in order to receive a quotation for, order, or obtain a licence to use the Molpro software, or to report bugs. The data is retained securely for as long as is necessary to administrate licence agreements, invoices and bugs, and will not be used for other purposes.


This website does not use cookies to store any sensitive personal information. Any cookies from this website are 'functional cookies' used to make the website function properly.

Terms of Use


Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and currency of the information contained on the Molpro web site. However, contents are subject to change from time to time and Molpro can accept no liability for the accuracy of all the information presented at any given time. Molpro reserves the right to make changes without notice.

External Links

Molpro is not responsible for the content of external sites and does not necessarily support the views they express or guarantee the accuracy of the information they provide. Any reference by Molpro via links to external web sites are provided as a courtesy. Any reference, via such links, should not be construed by the user as an endorsement by Molpro of the services provided by external companies, individuals or other providers. The user should satisfy himself/herself that the services provided by the external company, individual or provider appropriately meet the user's needs and requirements.

Molpro does not accept responsibility or liability for services provided by external companies, individuals or other providers. Further, Molpro does not accept responsibility, or liability, for the content of, or information contained on the web site belonging to external companies, individuals or other providers or for any harm caused or arising in respect thereof.


All text, images and other content on this website is copyright of Molpro unless explicitly stated otherwise.


Every effort is made to ensure downloadable content is free from viruses. Molpro can accept no liability for damages resulting from virus infection.


If you have feedback, or a query, or wish your personal data to be deleted, please write to