Projection-based WF-in-DFT embedding

Embedding methods allow a system to be divided into two smaller subsystems, each of which can be treated using a different level of theory. For example, in wavefunction-in-DFT (WF-in-DFT) embedding, a WF-level (e.g. HF, MP2, CCSD(T), CASSCF, etc.) calculation is performed on one subsystem, while a DFT-level calculation is performed on the other subsystem. The interactions between the two subsystems are calculated at the DFT level. The primary advantage of WF-in-DFT embedding is that it facilitates the application of an accurate, systematically improvable WF method to regions where such accuracy is required, while a more efficient DFT method is applied to the remainder of the system. The overall strategy for projection-based WF-in-DFT embedding is described as follows:

(1) A DFT calculation is performed on the full system to obtain a set of canonical molecular orbitals (MOs).

(2) The canonical orbitals are localized using a localization method such as Pipek-Mezey or intrinsic bond orbitals (IBOs).

(3) The occupied localized MOs (LMOs) are partitioned into two subsystems, labeled the active subsystem (A) and the frozen subsystem (B).

(4) The interaction potential between the two subsystems is calculated at the DFT level.

(5) A WF-level calculation is performed on the LMOs in the active subsystem, embedded in the DFT-level interaction potential produced by the electrons in the frozen subsystem (B).

Note: WF-in-DFT embedding is not implemented with symmetry.

It is possible to replace the WF-level calculation on subsystem A with a DFT-level calculation, which corresponds to DFT-in-DFT embedding. Since the interaction potential between the subsystems is calculated at the DFT level, the result of a DFT-in-DFT embedding calculation is numerically identical to the results of a DFT calculation on the full system. Similarly, it is possible to replace the DFT-level calculation with a HF-level calculation, which corresponds to WF-in-HF embedding.

Molpro implements the numerically exact projection-based WF-in-DFT embedding method for open and closed shell systems developed in the following papers:

F. R. Manby, M. Stella, J. D. Goodpaster, and T. F. Miller III, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 8, 2564 (2012)

T. A. Barnes, J. D. Goodpaster, F. R. Manby, and T. F. Miller III, J. Chem. Phys. 139, 024103 (2013)

J. D. Goodpaster, T. A. Barnes, F. R. Manby, and T. F. Miller III, J. Chem. Phys., 140, 18A507 (2014)

S. J. Bennie, M. Stella, T. F. Miller III and F. R. Manby, J. Chem. Phys. 143, 024105 (2015)

S. J. R. Lee, F. Ding, F. R. Manby, T. F. Miller III, arXiv e-prints, (2019), arXiv:1903.05830

S. J. R. Lee, M. Welborn, F. R. Manby, and T. F. Miller III, Acc. Chem. Res., acs.accounts.8b00672 (2019).

All publications resulting from the use of this method must acknowledge the above.

The WF-in-DFT embedding program is called by the EMBED directive. When using this directive, the user must specify which MOs are associated with the active subsystem. This can be most directly accomplished through the ORBS option:

  • ORBS=[orbital1,orbital2,orbital3…] where orbital1 is an integer indicating that MO number orbital1 is associated with the active subsystem. The minimum input to run using the ORBS array is: proc ccsdt_proc endproc {ks} {=[orbital1]}

The KS calculation is performed on the full system. The EMBED directive indicates the beginning of an embedding calculation in which subsystem A corresponds to the single MO orbital1. The HF and CCSD(T) calculations are performed on subsystem A, embedded in a subsystem interaction potential calculated at the KS level.

Alternatively to setting the ORBS array, the user can instead specify the ATOMS option:

  • ATOMS=[atom1,atom2,atom3…] where atom1 is the name of an atom from the geometry specification. (The atoms’ indicies may also be supplied. However, Molpro will sometimes reorder atoms.) Any MO having a Mulliken population greater than CHARGE_THRESHOLD (see {\tt EMBED} Options) on the sum of the listed atoms is associated with subsystem A. The minimum input to run using the ATOMS option is: proc ccsdt_proc endproc {ks} {=[atom1,...]}

CASSCF calculations can be used as the WF method, but some care must be taken for the specification of the active space. In particular, the OCC, CLOSED, and FROZEN cards must be specified, and they must correspond to the number of OCC, CLOSED, and FROZEN orbitals within the active subsystem:

proc multi_proc




The following options may be specified on the EMBED command line:

  • ORBS=[orbital1,orbital2,orbital3…] The ORBS option is described in the section Getting Started (getting Started).
  • ATOMS=[atom1,atom2,atom3…] The ATOMS option is described in the section Getting Started (getting Started).
  • MU=value (default 1.d6) The value of the coefficient for the level shift used in the projection-based embedding calculations. The projection-based embedding method is in principle numerically exact in the limit of infinite MU, but in practice very large values of MU will lead to machine-precision errors. Typically, changing MU by 1-2 orders of magnitude relative to the default value should have only negligible impact on the energy.
  • CHARGE_THRESHOLD=value (default 0.4) This option is only relevant if the ATOMS option is present. Any MO having a summed Mulliken population on atoms specified by the ATOMS option that is greater than CHARGE_THRESHOLD is associated with the active subsystem.
  • N_ORBITALS=value (default none) If the ATOMS option is present, as an alternative to defining CHARGE_THRESHOLD, one can instead define N_ORBITALS. In this case, the N_ORBITALS MOs with the largest summed Mulliken population on the atoms specified by the ATOMS option are associated with the active system. This can be particularly useful for ensuring that the number of MOs in the active subsystem remains constant when calculating the potential energy surface of a reaction.
  • LOC_METHOD=value (default IBBA) When localized MOs are not provided to the embedding program, determines which localization method will be used to generate them. Valid options are IBBA (default), which refers to Knizia’s IBO localization method PM, which refers to Pipek-Mezey localization, and NONE which tells the embedding program not to localize the provided orbitals.
  • HIGHPROC=value Name of procedure for performing the high-level calculation on subsystem A.
  • LOWPROC=value Name of procedure for performing the low-level calculation. This is called to compute an energy correction when basis-set truncation is used (read section improved efficiency using basis set truncation for more details). In this case the final energy is corrected by adding the difference between the low-level calculation in subsystem A with and without basis-set truncation, to give a total energy expression $$E = E_{\text{WF-in-DFT}}^{\text{trunc. basis}} + E_{\text{DFT-in-DFT}}^{\text{whole basis}} - E_{\text{DFT-in-DFT}}^{\text{trunc. basis}}$$ It is important not to specify the number of electrons or spin state in this procedure, as this is determined automatically from the density partioning specified through other options.
  • ORBITAL,[record],local This card specifies the orbital record from which MOs corresponding to a HF-level or DFT-level calculation on the full system are read. These MOs should be localized prior to use by the embedding calculation, as shown in the following example: proc ccsdt_proc endproc {ks;orbital,2200.2} {ibba;orbital,2200.2;save,2200.2} {embed,highproc=ccsdt_proc,atoms=[atom1];orbital,2200.2,local} If this card is not present, the last calculated HF or DFT MOs are localized using the Intrinsic Basis Bonding Analysis algorithm and then employed by the embedding calculation. Thus the preceding example is equivalent to: proc ccsdt_proc endproc {ks} {=[atom1]}
  • PRINT=value (default 1) Level of output. The value print=1 prints the atoms and molecular orbitals in the active region, the localized molecular orbital composition as well as the active and frozen electrons.
  • METHOD=method (default PROJECTOR) Selects projection-based embedding as the default embedding method when calling the EMBED directive, which is discussed in the current section (projection-based WF-in-DFT embedding).
  • HF_COR=value (default 1) By default (HF_COR=1) calculates the perturbative correction to level-shift projector. This can be turned off by specifying HF_COR=0. This option must be specified in the SCF directive and not in the EMBED directive.

Density fitting may be enabled by specifying DF-EMBED in place of the EMBED command. It is strongly recommended that both EMBED and the mean-field calculation that preceded it be run with density fitting.


Further density fitting options may be supplied to the CFIT directive (see section density fitting).

The following options may be used to save densities and orbitals for later analysis. If AO truncation is employed (truncate), these densities and orbitals represent the truncated basis.

  • SAVE_DEN_A=record_name This option saves the subsystem A density to the specified record.
  • SAVE_DEN_B=record_name This option saves the subsystem B density to the specified record.
  • SAVE_ORBS=record_name This option saves all orbtials to the specified record, in the order: subsystem A orbitals, subsystem B orbitals, virtual orbitals.

By default, the calculation on the active subsystem (subsystem A) is performed using all basis functions employed by the calculation on the full system. The computational cost of a high-level WF calculation on even a small active subsystem can thus be prohibitively high if the full system is sufficiently large. This cost can be greatly reduced by performing the calculation on the active subsystem using only the basis functions that are most important for representation of the MOs associated with the active subsystem. The density threshold method is implemented to facilitate truncation of the active subsystem basis set, and this method is described in the subsections below.

The density threshold truncation method requires just one parameter to be adjusted for all types of molecular system and functions that are important in the long range are automatically kept. At its low truncation limit it produces the full basis embedding answer or at high truncation it’s limit is a result constructed from just the functions on the active embedding region. Application of this method involves slightly different input options:

  • truncate=value (default 0.0) The truncate option invokes the use of the density threshold method, and must always be be given with a positive number when this method is used. The truncate value is the minimum gross Mulliken population that each basis function is compared against. Environment functions with a greater gross populations than this value are grouped (according to angular momentum partners i.e px, with py and pz) and are kept. Environment functions lower than truncate are grouped and discarded from the post embedding calculation. Setting truncate=0.0 is equivalent to the case in which the basis set is not truncated as all functions have a gross population greater than 0. For accurate type-in-type energies, truncate should typically be no more than 0.001, although convergence with respect to this parameter slightly varies according to the system and degree of delocalization. For example: proc ccsdt_proc endproc {ks;orbital,2100.2} {ibba,bonds=1;orbital,2100.2;save,2100.2} {embed,highproc=ccsdt_proc,truncate=0.001;orbital,2100.2,local}
  • STOREAO Stores the list of AO functions used for the truncated active subsystem to a record on Molpro’s file system. If this record is present it will be used as the list of AO basis functions to construct the truncated basis of the active subsystem. This option can be used to retain the same selected AO functions along a geometry scan or a reaction coordinate to ensure a smooth potential energy surface. If one were to do a dissociation reaction, it is recommended that the calculations always go from associated to dissociated in order to benefit from this option.
  • LOWPROC=value Name of procedure to be used for the type-in-type correction. More details available in the section {\tt EMBED} Options.

When using this method, the following should be taken into consideration:
(1) The accuracy of this truncation method is sensitive to the size of the basis set. For this reason, it is recommended to use at least a triple-zeta basis set.
(2) It is recommended to use Knizia’s IBO localization method, which reduces the orbital tails.
(3) For accurate HF-in-HF and DFT-in-DFT results, it is recommended to use a value for truncate of less than 0.0001. This is especially important when embedding across covalent bonds.
(4) The geometry must be in Cartesian coordinates.

All publications resulting from the use of this method must acknowledge the following:

S. J. Bennie, M. Stella, T. F. Miller III and F. R. Manby, J. Chem. Phys. 143, 024105 (2015).

Analytical nuclear gradients have been implemented for projection-based wavefunction-in-DFT (WF-in-DFT) embedding with and without density threshold truncation. The current available methods that can be used for the WF method on the active subsystem (subsystem A) are CCSD(T), CCSD, MP2, and HF. The current available methods that can be used for the low-level SCF method are LDA, GGAs, hybrid GGAs and HF. ECP gradients should also work for WF-in-DFT both with and without density threshold truncation.

Important Notes:

  1. Only closed-shell gradients are supported right now.
  2. Embedding gradients currently only supports Pipek-Mezey localized orbitals such that the core and valence are localized together. Therefore, when calling Pipek-Mezey localizaton the core option must be specified to be 0 so core and valence orbitals are localized together.
  3. Embedding gradients do not include the projector correction so the option HF_COR must be set to 0.
  4. If density threshold truncation (density threshold method) is used a lowproc must be specified for the type-in-type correction.
  5. Density fitting embedding gradients are not supported right now.
  6. Please note the following embedding gradient methods have not yet been implemented: Multireference-WF-in-DFT, and DFT-in-DFT embedding.

Example input files for gradients are located under the examples section (examples)

All publications resulting from the use of this method must acknowledge the analytical WF-in-DFT nuclear gradients paper.

S. J. R. Lee, F. Ding, F. R. Manby, T. F. Miller III, arXiv e-prints, (2019), arXiv:1903.05830

  • GRAD This option must be present in the EMBED directive when calculating a projection-based embedding gradient.
  • CPKSTHR=value (default 1.d-6) This option specifies the convergence threshold for the solutions of the coupled-perturbed Kohn-Sham equations.
  • We have found the best agreement between numerical gradients and analytical gradients when using the Neese (NEESE) grids.
  • Grid weight derivatives should be calculated for all DFT quantities.

This example performs a HF-in-HF and CCSD(T)-in-HF calculation on methanol. The HF-in-HF energy is numerically identical to the HF energy of the full system. By replacing the initial HF calculation on the full system with a DFT calculation, it is possible to perform HF-in-DFT and CCSD(T)-in-DFT calculations.

symmetry,nosym ! Embedding is not implemented with symmetry

r1=2.648205499 ! Bohr
r2=1.780518852 ! Bohr
r3=2.064847045 ! Bohr


geometry= {C;


! Step 1: Perform a HF calculation on the full system.

! Step 2: Perform orbital localization.
! Localized MOs are saved to record 3100.2

! Step 3: Define the procedure that will be used for the embedded calculation.
!         Here, we define a standard CCSD(T) calculation.
proc embedded_ccsdt
    ! Step 3a: Call HF. In this procedure, only subsystem A will be calculated.
    ! This corresponds to a HF-in-HF calculation.

    ! Step 3b: Call CCSD(T). This will perform a CCSD(T)-in-HF calculation

! Step 4: Perform the embedding calculation. This requires:
! Specification of embedded MOs
! Location of localized orbitals
! The procedure to run on the embedded subsystem A.
{df-embed,orbs=[1,6,7,8,9],highproc=embedded_ccsdt      ! The active subsystem corresponds to the indicated MOs
orbital,3100.2,local}             ! Use the localized MOs from record 3100.2

This example performs an MCSCF-in-DFT calculation on butene.

symmetry,nosym ! Embedding is not implemented with symmetry


C1,,          0.835432384 ,   0.049538050 ,  -1.305177530
C2,,         -0.187431703 ,  -1.125601622 ,   1.070665830
C3,,         -0.143380420 ,   0.687719249 ,   3.341106035
H1,,         -2.118667450 ,  -1.789600571 ,   0.735591607
H2,,          0.942690000 ,  -2.802115823 ,   1.537268881
H3,,         -0.860542916 ,  -0.240216354 ,   5.042940132
H4,,         -1.309266799 ,   2.354788168 ,   2.978399494
H5,,          1.778149207 ,   1.339614495 ,   3.742333311
C4,,         -0.440429873 ,   0.344384131 ,  -3.450328416
H6,,          2.782544497 ,   0.715697009 ,  -1.206788342
H7,,         -0.434433198 ,  -1.089606640 ,  -4.914726597
H8,,         -1.545390643 ,   2.035286250 ,  -3.818951212
} !Geometry is in Bohr


! Step 1: Perform DFT on full system.
! Level shift added for improved convergence for this system.
!  The system is a butene where the double bond is twisted by 90 degrees.

! Step 2: Define the procedure that will be used for the embedded calculation.
!         Here, we define a standard MRCI calculation.
proc embedded_mrci
    ! Step 2a: Generate initial orbitals for MCSCF.

    ! Step 2b: Perform MCSCF calculation.
    ! When performing an embedded MCSCF calculation, always specify the active space.

    ! Step 2c: Add dynamic correlation

! Step 3: Call embedding code and specify the atoms corresponding to the twisted double bond. Provide the procedure for the embedded calcuation.

This example performs a CCSD(T)-in-B3LYP calculation on a water dimer, using the density-threshold method with a truncate value of 0.001.

!water dimer


O1,,          2.872302451  , -0.739837226  ,  2.587473481
H11,,         1.114872273  , -1.362093804  ,  2.841067168
H12,,         3.830013761  , -1.316171569  ,  4.018958028
O2,,          1.378439935  ,  3.695314083  , -0.113721828
H21,,         2.070708975  ,  2.651580550  ,  1.227452707
H22,,         2.064068477  ,  2.891071211  , -1.605148488
} !Geometry is in Bohr


! Step 1: Perform an LDA calculation on the full system

! Step 2: Perform orbital localization.

! Step 3: Define the procedure that will be used for the embedded calculation.
!         Here, we define a standard CCSD(T) calculation.
proc embedded_ccsdt
    ! Step 3a: Perform a HF-in-LDA calculation

    ! Step 3b: Perform a CCSD(T)-in-LDA calculation

! Step 4: Run the embedding calculation
! using truncation with the density threshold method.

This example performs a RCCSD(T)-in-LDA calculation on the methoxy radical.

!Methoxy Radical
zsymel=nosym  ! Embedding is not implemented with symmetry


O1,,          2.328578323  , -0.516253350  , -0.241152468
H1,,         -3.930899693  ,  0.818199944  ,  0.136592671
C1,,         -2.292181882  , -0.433746123  , -0.018359872
H2,,         -2.391620554  , -1.802771746  ,  1.530291417
C2,,          0.160581025  ,  1.056429748  ,  0.096479104
H3,,          0.284618712  ,  2.116540479  ,  1.878957579
H4,,          0.248705545  ,  2.426749515  , -1.444737877
H5,,         -2.407046505  , -1.464278195  , -1.802909809
}! Geometry is in Bohr


! Step 1: Perform a DFT calculation on the full system.

! Step 2: Perform orbital localization.

! Step 3: Define the procedure that will be used for the embedded calculation.
!         Here, we define a standard CCSD(T) calculation.
proc embedded_ccsdt
    ! Step 3a: Call HF. In this procedure,  only subsystem A will be calculated.
    ! This corresponds to a HF-in-LDA calculation.

    ! Step 3b: Call CCSD(T). This will perform a RCCSD(T)-in-LDA calculation

! Step 4: Perform the embedded calculation.

This example performs a CCSD(T)-in-LDA gradient calculation on ethanol.

symmetry,nosym ! Embedding is not implemented with symmetry


! Geometry in bohr
O1,,     -6.287074 ,  5.128142 ,  0.368844
H2,,     -4.331335 ,  5.076727 ,  0.829762
C3,,     -7.553333 ,  1.646329 ,  0.142339
C4,,     -5.608539 ,  2.964896 ,  0.000000
H5,,     -9.487950 ,  1.458382 , -0.789351
H6,,     -8.648844 ,  0.140577 ,  1.411194
H7,,     -7.564298 , -0.311707 , -0.867451
H8,,     -4.507431 ,  2.577084 , -1.650962
H9,,     -4.726024 ,  2.654073 ,  1.792503



! Step 1: Perform a LDA calculation on the full system.

! Step 2: Perform orbital localization.
!         Embedding gradients currently only supports Pipek-Mezey localized orbitals
!         such that the core and valence are localized together.
!         Therefore, core must be specified to be 0 so core and valence orbitals are
!         localized together.

! Step 3: Define the procedure that will be used for the embedded calculation.
!         Here, we define a standard CCSD(T) gradient calculation (the {force} call
!         must be present).
!         HF_COR should be set to 0 when doing gradients so the projector correction
!         is not added.
!         The frozen-core approximation for correlated calculations can be turned on
!         by specifying the correct number of core orbitals in Subsystem A.
!         (1 core orbital for the Oxygen in this case)
proc hi_proc

! Step 4: Perform the embedding calculation. This requires:
!         Specification of the option grad to tell the embedding code gradients
!         are requested.
!         Specification of embedded atoms.
!         The procedure to run on the embedded subsystem A.
!         Any embedding options such as cpksthr which controls the level
!         of convergence of the CPKS solutions.

! Step 5: The force command must specified after the embedding command so the
!         embedding gradient is calculated.

This example performs a CCSD(T)-in-LDA gradient calculation with density threshold truncation on ethanol.

symmetry,nosym ! Embedding is not implemented with symmetry


! Geometry in bohr
O1,,     -6.287074 ,  5.128142 ,  0.368844
H2,,     -4.331335 ,  5.076727 ,  0.829762
C3,,     -7.553333 ,  1.646329 ,  0.142339
C4,,     -5.608539 ,  2.964896 ,  0.000000
H5,,     -9.487950 ,  1.458382 , -0.789351
H6,,     -8.648844 ,  0.140577 ,  1.411194
H7,,     -7.564298 , -0.311707 , -0.867451
H8,,     -4.507431 ,  2.577084 , -1.650962
H9,,     -4.726024 ,  2.654073 ,  1.792503



! Step 1: Perform a LDA calculation on the full system.

! Step 2: Perform orbital localization.
!         Embedding gradients currently only supports Pipek-Mezey localized orbitals
!         such that the core and valence are localized together.
!         Therefore, core must be specified to be 0 so core and valence orbitals are
!         localized together.

! Step 3: Define the procedure that will be used for the type-in-type correction.
!         This procedure needs to call the same DFT method used in Step 1.
!         Except now the {force} call must be present so the type-in-type
!         contributions to the embedding gradient can be added.
proc low_proc

! Step 4: Define the procedure that will be used for the embedded calculation.
!         Here, we define a standard CCSD(T) gradient calculation (the {force} call
!         must be present).
!         HF_COR should be set to 0 when doing gradients so the projector correction
!         is not added.
!         The frozen-core approximation for correlated calculations can be turned on
!         by specifying the correct number of core orbitals in Subsystem A.
!         (1 core orbital for the Oxygen in this case)
proc hi_proc

! Step 5: Perform the embedding calculation. This requires:
!         1) Specification of the option grad to tell the embedding code gradients
!         are requested.
!         2) Specification of embedded atoms.
!         3) The procedure to run on the embedded subsystem A.

! Step 6: The force command must specified after the embedding command so the
!         embedding gradient is calculated.

This example performs a MP2-in-LDA geometry optimization on ethanol.



! Original geometry
O1         -3.3322316672        2.7486714246        0.4634782128
H2         -2.4357007108        3.2239754945        0.4835540980
C3         -4.1946894574        0.5410193913       -0.0217296115
C4         -2.9359507722        1.4310420137        0.0489661919
H5         -4.9218723840        0.9675783876       -0.7301767123
H6         -4.6706714295        0.4744353658        0.9687956993
H7         -3.9246181899       -0.4721658034       -0.3558474595
H8         -2.4446716957        1.4212399976       -0.9554187232
H9         -2.2101426141        0.9539365224        0.7529059549


proc hi_proc1

proc runembed


This example performs a MP2-in-LDA geometry optimization with density threshold truncation on ethanol.



! Original geometry
O1         -3.3265927677        2.7508371961        0.4722099522
H2         -2.4299560718        3.2260275232        0.4808555391
C3         -4.1955133281        0.5390054989       -0.0225174814
C4         -2.9373667449        1.4340964566        0.0502923154
H5         -4.9209868031        0.9595827880       -0.7359982137
H6         -4.6761386977        0.4760110751        0.9660347037
H7         -3.9228360337       -0.4750976765       -0.3498843604
H8         -2.4504497951        1.4273894050       -0.9556425922
H9         -2.2107086788        0.9518805278        0.7491777878


! This works without specifying the start record for each calculation.
! However, I would highly recommend specifying the start and save dump records
! to ensure that it always works.
proc low_proc

proc hi_proc1

proc runembed
