SGI Install questions

James Jackson Seals jjs0027 at
Wed Dec 19 22:50:28 GMT 2001

To whom it may concern:

I am trying to compile Molpro on an SGI Origin 3200 with MIPS R14000

I am confronted with errors shortly after running the
./configure command. I have included my choices and the output below.


#./configure -i8 -blas 4 -f90

Machine architecture is unix unix-i8 unix-iris
Please enter your licence key
(default ):
./configure[360]: bin/maxdim.exe:  not found
If you wish to use a system BLAS library, please give the maximum
level (0, 1, 2, 3, or 4) of BLAS to be supplied by the system
If the system blas only supports 32 bit integers, only 0 or 4 can be used
4 is recommended for IBM, SGI, SUN
(default 0):
Please give any loader options (-L, -l) needed to access the BLAS library
(default -lblas):

Installed binaries directory [/usr/local/bin]

Installed auxiliary directory [/usr/local/lib/molpro-2000.1]

Installed HTML documentation directory

Installed CGI script directory [/var/www/htdocs/molpro/molpro2000.1]

old CONFIG saved as CONFIG.old
ld32: FATAL   12 : Expecting n32 objects:
parse-r8000-mips-sgi-irix6.5-i8.o is n64.
Cannot link with any objects !
This architecture or combination of architecture and integer
size is proably not supported. Sorry ....


I have the latest maintenance release for the SGI compilers
(MIPSpro_7.3.1.2m) successfully installed and you can see my choices
above. Is there a way that I can force configure to not use a 32 bit
loader?  Has anyone else encountered this problem?  Is there a workaround
for this?  Is there an updated configure file that does not have this
problem?  I have endeavored to follow the instructions in the manual as
closely as I can.  Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks!  James Seals

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