STOP TOO MANY OPERATORS statement executed

Takao KOBAYASHI tkoba at
Sun Jul 7 05:53:55 BST 2002

Dear Sirs,

I tried to do SA-CASSCF(10,10) (128 orbitals, 168 electrons)
calcultion by Molpro2000.1, but that calculation stopped
after entering the MULTI program with the following message:

STOP TOO MANY OPERATORS statement executed

Could you please teach me how to solve the above problem
if possible?

                     Takao Kobayashi
             Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation,
       MCC-Group Science & Technology Research Center,
   1000 Kamoshida-cho, Aoba-ku, Yokohama 227-8502, Japan

           e-mail:  tkoba at        
           Tel:     (+81) 45-963-3834
           Fax:     (+81) 45-963-3835

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