Spin-Orbit Bug?

The Matt thompsma at colorado.edu
Fri Sep 12 21:13:29 BST 2003

A job I recently tried to run has failed with a new error for me.  The
job is a spin-orbit run on Silver.  It runs the 6-state MCSCF and the 6
CI's just fine, then bugs out at the CI;HLSMAT,LS

To wit:

1PROGRAM * CI (Multireference internally contracted CI)     Authors:
H.-J. Werner, P.J. Knowles, 1987
   *** Spin-orbit calculation ***
   Spin-orbit matrix elements
 Wavefunction restored from record  3010.1  Symmetry=1  S=0.5  NSTATE=1
 Wavefunction restored from record  3020.1  Symmetry=1  S=0.5  NSTATE=1
 FILE 8 RECORD    4201 OFFSET=          0. NOT FOUND
 Records on file 8
   1    4001                  0.        3.         sf          0     
0      0      0
   2    7000                  3.     3219.         sf          0     
0      0      0
   3    3700               3222.        3.         sf          0     
0      0      0
   4    4002               3225.        3.         sf          0     
0      0      0
   5    4000               3228.        3.         sf          0     
0      0      0
   6    4101               3231.      504.         sf          0     
0      0      0
   7    4301               3735.    30790.         sf          0     
0      0      0
   8    5501              34525.    30790.         sf          0     
0      0      0
   9    5401              67982.     2667.         sf          0     
0      0      0
  10    5201              70649.    30790.         sf          0     
0      0      0
  11    5601             101439.      504.         sf          0     
0      0      0
  12    5301             101943.    30790.         sf          0     
0      0      0
  13    5101             132733.      504.         sf          0     
0      0      0
 ? Error
 ? Record not found
 ? The problem occurs in readm

And then, after this in the ********************* DATASETS bit, there
*is* a record 4201, but it is in file 7, not 8 (why I'm guessing it
couldn't find it):

              7      11        0.46      4001     7000     3700    
4002     4000     4101     4301     3300     4401     4501
              8      13        0.70      4001     7000     3700    
4002     4000     4101     4301     5501     5401     5201
                                         5601     5301     5101

I know this isn't related to my unsolved LSINT bug in Molpro's Bugzilla
(bug 509) since this job does complete LSINT.

Any help on this one or should I submit to Bugzilla?

"And isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony, anyway?  I mean,
all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good
and crazy, ooh ooh ooh, the sky's the limit!" -- The Tick
  The Matt -- http://ucsub.colorado.edu/~thompsma/

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