[molpro-user] Run error after installation

Xinzheng Yang yangxinzheng at gmail.com
Fri Dec 10 18:06:56 GMT 2004

Dear Molpro User,

When I finished the installation and run the Molpro program, I meet a
big problem:

trying to connect to host=elrond.cm.utexas.edu, port=40583
0: CreateSocketAndConnect: connect failed -1 (0xffffffff).
system error message: No route to host
1: interrupt(1)

At the same time, the output file indicate that:

0: CreateSocketAndConnect: connect failed -1 (0xffffffff).
tmp = /home/yangxz/pdir//usr/local/lib/molpro-mpp-Linux-i686-i4-2002.6/molprop_2002_6_athlon_tcgmsg.exe.p
Creating: host=elrond.cm.utexas.edu, user=yangxz,

My computer is a Linux system with double AMD 64 CPU. I don't know
what happened. Does anyone meet the similiar porblem when running

Xinzheng Yang
1307 Larkwood DR
Austin, TX 78723-2536

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