[molpro-user] CCSDT(Q) energy calculation using MRCC Kallay on Molpro

Shiblee Ratan shibleeratan at gmail.com
Fri Dec 15 19:01:46 CET 2017

Dear Kirk,

That was a great hack! I followed your suggestion and it seems like UHF
maxit=1 retains the preceding ROHF orbital properties; i.e. the orbital
occupation and orbital energies for ROHF and UHF look identical in the
output file. I think this is a good guess reference for the mrcc CCSDT(Q)
job that comes later.

Also, since I will eventually be calculating relative energies, any error
arising from the hack is expected to cancel out.

I have included the input here for people who might be interested:

Geometry = {




!NOTE: MRCC works only with UHF reference. So, here we will trick MRCC by
doing only one UHF iteration right after ROHF.





*Dr. Shiblee Ratan Barua*
*Postdoctoral Research Fellow*Rm S162, Bld 34
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
8800 Greenbelt Rd, Greenbelt, MD USA 20771
*Email*: shibleeratan at gmail.com, shiblee.barua at nasa.gov

On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 11:27 AM, Peterson, Kirk <kipeters at wsu.edu> wrote:

> Hi,
> one hack you can use is to run your ROHF orbitals through 1 iteration of
> the UHF program (maxit,1) and then use these in mrcc. You’ll need to add
> the ignore_error option to the orbital directive in mrcc. This is not
> entirely rigorous since some terms are then missing in the (Q), but it does
> generally give very reasonable results.
> regards,
> -Kirk
> On Dec 8, 2017, at 4:54 PM, Shiblee Ratan <shibleeratan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Molpro Experts,
> Is it possible to do an *MRCC Kallay CCSDT(Q) energy* calculation for an *open-shell
> ROHF reference*? The error message below keeps giving me hope:
> *Executing mrcc...  Approximate CC methods are not implemented for
> standard ROHF orbitals!  Use semicanonical orbitals!  Fatal error in mrcc.
>  ? Error  ?  Fatal error in mrcc.  ? The problem occurs in MRCC*
> I am trying to calculate the CCSDT(Q) energy for a (doublet-B1) NH2
> molecule. Tried a lot of things, but it seems like there is no option to
> force Molpro to generate *semicanonical ROHF orbitals* as the error
> message above wants. ROHF keeps generating canonical/standard orbitals in
> record file 2100.2.
> CCSDT(Q) energy works fine with *UHF reference* though.
> Any help or suggestion to make MRCC Kallay's *CCSDT(Q)* work with the *ROHF
> reference* will be greatly appreciated.
> Input file I used is:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------------------------
> memory,768,m
> gthresh,energy=1.0d-12,orbital=1.0d-12,oneint=1.0d-16,twoint=1.0d-16
> Geometry = {
> H1
> N  ,  H1  , rNH
> H2 ,  N   , rNH  ,  H1  ,  aHNH
> }
> rNH   =    1.04100000 Ang
> aHNH  =  100.72710000 Degree
> basis=cc-pvdz
> {rhf;maxit,100
> wf,nelec=9,sym=2,spin=1
> *orbital,type=semicanonical or pseudo-canonical*              <--- Tried
> these and many other combinations but did not make any difference
> occ,3,1,1,0;closed,3,0,1,0}
> mrcc,method=ccsdt(q)
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------
> *Dr. Shiblee Ratan Barua *
> *Postdoctoral Research Fellow *Rm S162, Bld 34
> NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
> 8800 Greenbelt Rd, Greenbelt, MD USA 20771
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=8800+Greenbelt+Rd,+Greenbelt,+MD+USA+20771&entry=gmail&source=g>
> * Email*: shibleeratan at gmail.com, shiblee.barua at nasa.gov
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